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A Zen master poured a cup of tea for his student.  He poured the tea and it rose to the rim and began to spill over.  The student yells and says “Enough, can’t you see the cup is full?”  The master stopped pouring and smiled at his student. “You are like this cup, so full that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when the cup is empty. Come back to me with an empty mind.”

The other day I had brunch with two of my friends and one said something to me that hit me right to my core.  She said that when she went away on a soul searching vacation she came to the realization that she just needed to accept herself for who she was at this point and time.  There was no need to search for anything more and just be.  She is a truth seeker as am I so I know what she was saying.  I needed to hear that.  I thanked her for giving me that message as I believe we get messages all the time from different sources.  She’s talking about true acceptance.  I will admit that I was on what felt like a crash course to becoming awake.  I couldn’t get enough of reading or listening to different teachers, life coaches, podcasts, self-hypnosis videos, subliminal videos…just to name a few.  I just wanted to soak it all up.  I wanted to break all the generational patterns and walls for me and my daughter.  But she’s right and it’s so simple.  It usually is that simple too.  I need to pause and just be.  I need to let my cup get empty again.  Be completely and utterly ok with exactly how I am right now and right here in this time and space.  That includes everything I have learned up to now, my gifts and talents as well as my flaws and not-so-awake traits.  I don’t need to be anything more or be in a different place as far as my level of awareness.  Don’t get me wrong that seeking growth or striving to be in a different place is a bad thing.  Of course not!  I mean one of my mantras is to be the best individual self in everything I do.  But that all comes as natural as our earth grows flowers and trees.  So I am still allowing all that to happen, but I don’t need to force it or make that the sole focus.  So I sat with this message for some time.  It actually brought tears to my eyes.  Because I am actually giving myself something that I’ve been searching for in so many other ways…acceptance.  I still aspire to be more and be enlightened in all areas of my life, but I am so happy for pausing and being loving to myself.  I am exactly where I need to be.  The evolution of me is unfolding in the perfect way.  And yes this relates to all areas of life even in career.  I know we all strive to be the best and aspire to be more, but just be gentle on yourselves.  I want everyone to pause and think of where you were 2 years ago and where you are today.  I’m sure you have lots to be grateful for and lots to celebrate.  I know I do!

I’ve also noticed that this entire experience has opened up another can of worms.  Acceptance of me means acceptance of others.  A big one right?!  I’m going to save this topic for the next blog.  So to be continued!