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I was listening to an interview of Tony Robbins and was so moved by a story he was telling.  He was talking about how unaware we are of the impact a small act of kindness can have.  He gave an amazing example.  He was talking about Arthur Bremer who is an American convicted for the attempted assassination of Presidential candidate George Wallace.  He initially wanted to kill Nixon and attempted many times.  But actually didn’t and instead went after Wallace.  According to Bremer’s journal in one of his attempts he was about to pull out a gun on Nixon when a little old lady bumped into him.  She turned around and looked into his eyes and said in the most compassionate way that she was sorry.  He said he couldn’t do it at that moment because of her and that entire interaction and took his hand off his gun that was in his coat pocket.  So the next time you smile at a stranger, or hold the door for someone, or go out of your way to show kindness to your family, friends or clients you could be changing someone’s world on a much bigger level then you could ever even know.  Just remember that.