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I want to share a great story with you about generosity, manifestation and allowing.  One of my favorite sayings is “where there is a will there is a way”.  I believe that with every cell of my being.  Well I was recently rewarded for this belief. 

I love fashion and appreciate the beauty that is created by it.  One of my favorite quotes is by RuPaul, “You’re born naked, and the rest is drag!  Everybody is in drag.  Whether you’re a man or a woman.  It just depends on how extreme you wanna go.”  I couldn’t agree more.  I have fun with clothes and have fun expressing my emotions and my stories through fashion.  One of the biggest compliments I have gotten is from my friend Rose who appreciates my style.  She told me that I am a multiple personality dresser!  She is 100% right.  I love to change my look all the time.  I change my hair and style on a dime.  Where do I get my inspiration?  I get it everywhere.  One of the places I get inspiration is through magazines.   I love looking through magazines.  It’s relaxing and inspiring to me.  In one of the winter editions of Elle magazine I spotted these amazing H&M Studio Collection sandals.  I loved them so much that I put them on my vision board.  I was going to get these sandals!  I am going to my sister’s wedding in Mexico this summer.  I was asked to officiate this special wedding.  I envisioned myself wearing these sandals that special day.  Their release date was not until spring, so I periodically checked the website, but to my dismay, I missed my window of opportunity and they were all SOLD OUT!!!  

I was crestfallen. But not surprised that they were sold out since they were pretty fabulous.   I didn’t give up.  I was going to call a bunch of stores in my area and drive one hour away if need be.  But then I found out you can’t call the stores individually.  You have to call a main customer service line and they will do it for you.  I was fortunate to have a very kind customer service representative call 6 stores for me before I felt like I tortured her enough.  I figured I would try to find something similar. I always say that life happens for you not against you.  So if these shoes were not meant to be then something was out there that was even better.  So I searched tirelessly, but could find nothing as special and unique as the H&M shoes.

I almost gave up, but then a trusted friend of mine gave me the idea of writing the CEO of the company.  I thought why not!  So I mailed a note and decided to accept any outcome knowing I had given it my best effort!  Much to my delight I was contacted by an H&M angel.  They told me they got my letter and would see what they could do, but no promises.  The tag line in this angel’s email was “We love people, we love fashion, we love to help”.  Doesn’t get much better than that!

 I am learning that this universe is quite abundant and you just have to be open to receiving and that even includes help.  I was happy to “receive” the assistance.  But it gets even better.  In the meantime I did some visualization exercises.  I believe that if you can visualize something it can happen.  I pictured myself getting an email with good news and just smiling ear to ear.  I pictured myself opening the mail package with just sheer delight.  I pictured myself wearing the shoes in the wedding and just being happy and feeling great.  Well one morning after I meditated I got the inspiration to check my emails.  And there it was…an email from my H&M angel letting me know they found the shoes!!  And not only that, they were sending them to me to thank me for the positive work that I do after checking my website.  I am not going to lie, but I cried at that very moment (yes, I’m a crier).  I was so touched and grateful for the experience and the gift.  It’s also validation for what you put out into the world does indeed come back.  When you help others and are generous with others then others will help you and be generous with you.  It’s just how it works.  This experience was a great reminder that we can dream and manifest anything we want in life…and do it all while wearing a great pair of shoes!  Thank you H&M for the beauty that you bring into our world and into my life.  I am indeed very grateful!


Speaking of Shoes!  If you want to help a great cause, start a used shoe recycling program.

It’s simple…here it is in a nutshell:

1.       Collect used shoes from your employees, students, staff, faculty & parents.

2.       Shoes are distributed to women shelters, veteran homes, rehab clinics and communities & villages throughout the world to those in need.

3.       For each shoe recycling collection box that is filled, Stand Up to Cancer receives a donation.

They provide you with promotional flyers and shoe recycling collection boxes. All you need to do is to promote your schools or business’s involvement with the shoe collection drive.  They’ll deliver the empty collection boxes and pick them up from you when they are full.  There is NO COST to your school or business at all.  And they will work with anyone in the United States. 

For information and to begin your participation please contact: Brad Glazier (302) 547-1281 or email to