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I want to tell you about something I've been doing lately that has been feeling sooo good.  I've been doing random acts of kindness to strangers, friends, family, acquaintances...anyone I feel inspired to do.  And with no strings attached.  That's important!  I don't' expect anything in return.  Not even a thank you.  Now that's doesn't mean I don't get them, but I'm doing this without any expectation.  It's been so much fun and interesting to see how this energy comes back to me too.  I'm not even kidding about this.  Interesting events and things have been happening to me.  Like over the top things.  I attribute them to this beautiful energy that is around me now.  They say that whatever you want more of,  just do it and it will come back..  Well sure enough, I've had more kindness come back to me than ever before.  My daughter does them a lot with me.  She gets such a kick out of it too.  It's fun thinking of things to do and the people to do them on.  The reactions are great, but sometimes we do them anonymously.  Most of the time people are surprised and full of smiles.  It's just so nice to see.  And some people told me they now feel inspired to do the same.  How cool is that?  So now more kindness is being done.  This is the kind of world I want to live in.  There is actually a little science behind this.  I am going to include this video below so you can see what I mean.  Check it out.  It's called The Science of Kindness and only 2 minutes long.  Don't underestimate how this could change someone's world including yours!