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The Flower Experiment

Many higher thinking leaders have always taught that our thoughts create our reality through the power of our intention.  Positive thoughts can create a positive reality while negative thoughts can create a negative reality.  Personally, I’ve always had a knowing about how powerful intention can be.  I would see it in my own life.  One example was when I would write down my goals or wishes and see them happen.  I would see it when people would interact with each other and I could tell if it came from a positive or negative intention.  Recently I discovered the most interesting experiment about the power behind intention and words.  I am so grateful to Rebecca Cecilia for taking the time to document and show us in a physical way how this works.   The video is posted on my quotes page so you can all see it with your own eyes.  Ok so let’s talk about the experiment. 


Rebecca laid out three plants and labeled each one…the first with “I love you”, the second with “ignored” and the third with “I hate you”.  She then sent thoughts to the plants and documented the physical effects to each plant.  The results are very telling.  Based on Rebecca’s consciousness, she directly altered the shape, structure and well-being of her plants.  The plant labeled “I love you” thrived while the other ones were basically shrinking and dying.  The one labeled “ignored” was the worst one which I found interesting.  I thought the one labeled “I hate you” would have been the worst one but it wasn’t.  It showed me that even though it was getting negative attention it thrived more because at least it was getting some attention.  


I was so fascinated by these results that I wanted to try it myself with my 6 year old so she can see how powerful she really is.  It didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it to, but in a good way.  I bought three little plants and labeled them accordingly.  I told my daughter what we were doing and why.  She right away said “I don’t want any of the plants to be harmed”, but reluctantly went along.  After a few days she reiterated to me that she really didn’t like this experiment and felt it was wrong to do.  I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach and quickly rethought the whole thing.  Here was this little perfect being who really didn’t have anything in her but love.  How could I ask her to do something that went against everything she was made of?  I thanked her for bringing me to a new level of awareness and told her right away that she should never do something that didn’t feel right to her.  So we stopped right away.  She made me promise to not continue the experiment myself which I agreed to do because if it’s important to her then it’s important to me.  Grace and I learned some beautiful lessons in all of this.