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Space: Your Final Frontier

Have you heard the line “if you want something done, give it to a busy person”?  I used to be that person.  But I am so grateful to say that I am no longer that person.  Sometimes, we become busy to avoid looking at things or making the necessary changes in our lives.  Busyness becomes a badge of honor and it creates this false sense of self-importance. 

But when you really dig deeper it’s more like -- I am busy, therefore I am important, therefore I am valuable and therefore I am worthy

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any regrets and things unfolded exactly as they should have.  But I got to a point in my life where I had to stop the numbing (and yes it’s a form of numbing) and start living for me. I realized that the number of tasks I could pack into a single day had zero bearing on my value.   I realized that I was worthy no matter what.  We all are.

When we start changing our lives for the better, we give others permission to do the same -especially the little ones in our lives that are watching and learning from our example.  Give yourself permission to free up space in your life.

What does that look like?  How does one free up space? 

  • Start saying “No” to things, 
  • Automate your life.  Set it and forget it.  (bills, groceries, household chores, whatever!),
  • Allocate lots of down time to meditate, journal and get quiet,
  • Declutter your life (that includes people and things),
  • And when faced with something you are not sure you want to do, ask yourself “will this bring me joy?”

But what’s important to realize about this process is that when you start to free up space in your life, you also start making room for better things to come in.  It’s just how it works.  One door can’t open until another one closes.  So make peace with pausing and becoming less busy.  It will draw you into what’s really important in life; like yourself and being authentically happy. 

Think of it this way.  When you are in a lake and are splashing about, the water starts to get muddy and cloudy.  But it’s when you get still in the water the mud will start to settle down and will you then finally get to see below the surface all the shiny coins at the bottom of the lake.
