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I want to talk about intuition because it’s such an important gift in one’s life.  Steve Jobs called it, “more powerful than intellect.”  I 100% agree with him!  We all have it, but some of us have forgotten how to use it.  I was that person.  I am going to share with you how I got reacquainted with it.  We all have an internal guidance system.  It’s like our very own GPS.  Some people call it your gut.  I call it my inner being.  This inner being is always communicating with us through our inner voice…our intuition.  The great thing about that is our inner being has a broader perspective than us.  They know things seen and unseen.  So what may not make sense to us in this physical plane at this moment in time will make sense in the broader scheme of things.  It knows what’s best for us.  It has our best interest at heart.  So it will try and guide us gently all the time to something better or something more satisfying.  So how did I lose my relationship with my intuition?  By quieting it down at a very early age.  By ignoring it.  By dismissing it.  By doubting myself.  By trying to talk myself out of things.  By letting outside noise in.  I let this happen for many many years.  I basically felt like I lost it and trusted others to make decisions for me.  I truly was not confident in any of my own decisions.  Even the simplest decision was hard for me.  I call this split energy.  It’s when you are basically cutting off a part of yourself; which in essence I was.  Well I knew I had to get my power back and that’s when I realized I needed to start listening to my intuition again.  But the great news is that it’s never really gone.  It’s always there.    A trusted spiritual advisor gave me some advice on how to get back on track.  She said listen to any little hunch and honor it.  For example if you are driving and you get the hunch to turn left…turn left.  If you are thinking of a friend and feel the urge to call them…call them.  Or if I was running downstairs and got the idea that I forgot an item upstairs…turn around and get it.  Any little idea or hunch just follow through.  So needless to say I started doing this.  Every little hunch, idea or inspiration was honored.  I started really paying attention and listening.  Well guess what happens when you start doing this.  Your intuition gets stronger and stronger.  I was amazed. It kind of reminds me of meditation.  The more I did it the better I got at it.  It’s just like anything in life…the more you practice the better you get.  I also noticed the more I got quiet the more I could hear my intuition.  The noise gets in the way.  So I encourage all of you to nurture this gift so you can thrive in this life.