Random Acts of Kindness
One sunny day, me and my daughter Grace brought a bag of blue tennis balls to the dog park, chosen because dogs see certain colors better than other colors. With a note saying “Complimentary balls for the dogs- enjoy!” then left the bag on a nearby picnic table. We didn’t linger for thanks because we enjoy doing these random acts of kindness. For us they are fun to think of and execute and we love knowing that they could spark joy in others and possibly spark a ripple effect. A random act of kindness is a spontaneous, selfless gesture done to help or cheer up someone else without expecting anything in return—like leaving blue tennis balls at a dog park for dogs and their owners to enjoy. These acts can be small, like holding a door open, or creative, like paying for a stranger’s coffee. We should do them because they spread positivity, brighten someone’s day, and often inspire others to pay it forward, creating a ripple effect of goodwill. Plus, they feel good—boosting our own happiness while reminding us how connected we all are. In a world that can feel rushed or heavy, these little sparks of kindness keep humanity glowing. But don’t take my word for it. Go out and try it for yourself! :)